Professional Learning

English Teachers Association WA

Thursday, 31st August, 4.30pm – 6.00pm

Shenton College

The ETAWA invites you to an afternoon of ideas and discussion

(and refreshment) at Shenton College.

With two topical sessions, the afternoon promises to be a

valuable opportunity to engage with specialist presenters and colleagues.

Session 1: 4.30 – 5.15 pm

In Conversation and Questions & Answers with AJ Betts and Kate McCaffrey

The WA Authors are discussing AJ’s latest YA novel, One Song,

and Kate’s newest Novel Double Lives


Session 2: 5.20 – 6.00 pm

Using Data with Bruce Derby

Bruce, Deputy Principal

Learning Leadership and Transformation

at Guildford Grammar School,

Bruce will talk about ways to use data in English Learning Areas


Parking/Public Transport:

There is parking available at Shenton College, or if you are travelling

on public transport, Shenton Station is directly opposite the College.

ETAWA members free

Non-members $20