REGISTRATIONS OPEN – March Professional Learning
Term 1 Professional Learning Workshops
The ETAWA invites you to an afternoon of ideas and discussion (and refreshments) at Curtin University. With two topical sessions to choose from, the afternoon promises to be a valuable opportunity to engage with specialist presenters and colleagues.
Session 1: ChatGPT and Teaching English
Stuart Bender (Curtin University)
Session 2: Selecting Texts for Study: Picture Books and Graphic Novels
Anna Hardy (The Literature Centre)
Further session and venue details to be provided soon. A recording of the sessions will be made available for regional members.
Thursday 16th March, 4.30pm – 6.00pm
Curtin University
ETAWA Marking Methods Study
The English Teachers Association of Western Australia are conducting a study into the ways in which English teachers make judgements about student progress and achievement. As part of this study teachers are invited to apply to be part of three separate marking trials, the results of which will inform teachers professional development and, hopefully, improve the standard of marking in the state, as well as the experience of classroom teachers and students. Trial 1 was completed in the January holidays.
- Range of classroom teaching experience across all secondary years, as well as ATAR and General.
UWA Microcredentials 2023
State Conference Scholarships
ETAWA is offering ten scholarships to ETAWA members who wish to attend the 2023 ETAWA State Conference, The Power of Language, on Saturday May 13 at the University of Western Australia.
Five scholarships are available to ETAWA members (individual or part of group membership) in their first or second year of teaching. These scholarships cover the cost of registration.
Five scholarships are available to ETAWA members (individual or part of group membership) who are teaching in rural or remote schools. These scholarships cover the cost of registration, two nights’ accommodation in Perth (at a hotel selected by ETAWA), travel to and from Perth – air or train fare, or car travel at ATO mileage rates.
Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received a national conference scholarship from ETAWA.
It is a condition of each scholarship that the awardee attend a meeting at the conference with an ETAWA representative and provide within two months of attendance an article of approximately 600 words for the ETAWA journal Interpretations providing evidence of how attendance at the conference has enhanced the awardee’s understanding of English pedagogy and teaching practice.
If you would Ike to apply for one of the above scholarships, please send an email to Rod Quin, Secretary, ETAWA at explaining in no more than 100 words in the body of the email why you would be a worthy recipient.
ETAWA State Conference – Call For Papers
ETAWA Art Competition
Application for marking the Externally Set Tasks (EST) 2023
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority is seeking applications for the position of 2023 Externally Set Task marker. English General will be running online marker training this year which will make EST marking more accessible for teachers outside of the metropolitan area. Regional teachers are encouraged to apply.
GOOD ANSWERS 2023 – Now available for order
To order follow the link here
Please follow the link here for Semester One Examination orders. Orders will close on March 31st.