We hope that you have had a wonderful Term One and that your holiday break offers an opportunity for rest, relaxation, and riveting reads. In this edition of our newsletter, you will find the latest news on upcoming events and professional development opportunities for English Teachers.
The Power of Language ETAWA State Conference Saturday May 13th, 2023 University of WA
Registrations for the ETAWA State Conference are now open. Please click here to register.
Call for Papers
ETAWA invites applications to present a 10-minute short talk, 20- or 45-minute workshop or research presentation that seeks to explore our 2023 conference theme, The Power of Language. All teachers, including graduates, are encouraged to apply.
Presenters might consider ideas related to the theme such as:
- The power of language to examine culture and perspective
- The power of language in rapidly changing environments
- Texts and language that empower students
- The power of voice
Short Talks
A Short Talk is an exploration of an idea for the curious mind with a short attention span. The presenter could pose their own questions or share their own experience with links to curiosity and the English classroom. This year we are offering digital short talk presentations and welcome presenters to submit a pre-recorded short talk to be played at the conference
A Workshop session typically involves an element of interactive activity for participants. The presenter could explore issues and ideas and their implementation in their own setting or explore strategies to add to a teacher’s repertoire. The interactive component could involve a question and answer or panel session, participant trialing of strategies, group problem solving or workshopping of ideas and techniques. Workshops will be scheduled during concurrent sessions on the conference program.
Research Presentations
Research extracts will be reviewed by members of the ETAWA Committee. No facility for full review of papers is available but presenters are encouraged to submit their research to the conference edition of Interpretations. Presenters are encouraged to develop papers that emphasise the benefits of research and research findings for the teaching community.
Proposals are to be submitted no later than Friday April 14th and must include:
- nomination of session type
- an abstract (up to 250 words)
- biographical details of the presenter/s (up to 50 words per presenter)
- any equipment you need for the presentation, such as data projector, wifi access etc.
- an agreement to be recorded and/or photographed
Applicants will be notified about the success of their proposal within two weeks of their submission. Short talk presenters will receive 50% off the cost of registration. All other presenters will receive complimentary registration to attend the full day of the conference. Offers to present must be accepted by Friday April 21st.
Please fill in the form here to submit your proposal.
State Conference Scholarships
ETAWA is offering ten scholarships to ETAWA members who wish to attend the 2023 ETAWA State Conference, The Power of Language, on Saturday May 13 at the University of Western Australia.
Five scholarships are available to ETAWA members (individual or part of group membership) in their first or second year of teaching. These scholarships cover the cost of registration.
Five scholarships are available to ETAWA members (individual or part of group membership) who are teaching in rural or remote schools. These scholarships cover the cost of registration, two nights’ accommodation in Perth (at a hotel selected by ETAWA), travel to and from Perth – air or train fare, or car travel at ATO mileage rates.
Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received a national conference scholarship from ETAWA.
It is a condition of each scholarship that the awardee attend a meeting at the conference with an ETAWA representative and provide within two months of attendance an article of approximately 600 words for the ETAWA journal Interpretations providing evidence of how attendance at the conference has enhanced the awardee’s understanding of English pedagogy and teaching practice.
If you would Ike to apply for one of the above scholarships, please send an email to Rod Quin, Secretary, ETAWA at rodquin@iinet.net.au explaining in no more than 100 words in the body of the email why you would be a worthy recipient.
March Professional Development – Recording Available
Links to our March Professional Learning held at UWA on March 16th are now available. We were delighted to host Stuart Bender and Anna Hardy for two concurrent sessions about ChatGPT and selecting picture books and graphic novels for study.
The link for accessing these recordings is within the Members Only section of our ETAWA website. Please log in and access here to listen.
Primo Lux 2023
Have your poetry published If you are in years Ten, Eleven or Twelve see your English teacher for a submission form now.
Only Students from Years 10, 11 and 12 are eligible
Entries close July 1st 2023 – Submit your entry through the link.
Good Answers Bookshop
Good Answers ATAR English and ATAR Literature are still available for purchase.
See our bookshop here if you would like to place an order.